Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Dusk tonight - but much brighter 30 mins later

We went out for a wee wander after dinner. The sky looked beautiful, I loved the vertical line of light. By the time we turned to come home again though, the clouds had dispersed and it was much brighter, very strange.
Sunday today so church first thing, the numbers are holding well in spite of the fact we have no rector at the moment. Interviews at the end of this month though so fingers crossed that will soon change.
Back home in time to see Ali before she set off for her best friend's 30th, lovely to see them both so happy. Had a walk this afternoon but did very little apart from bottle some more blackcurrant cordial. Hopefully I've enough of that and elderflower till next year!
I bought a bargain gammon joint yesterday, so boiled it up for tonight's dinner. It was delicious with church grown potatoes and broad beans and home grown peas accompanied by a delicious parsley sauce made with home grown parsley and church grown shallots. Dessert was a fool made with garden raspberries and a friend's gooseberries, yummy - sadly not having a cow, I had to buy the cream!!
Lots of things to do including writing a talk but I'm much too good at procrastinating!
14473 steps so 3/4 so far not bad.

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