Minkelina's and my timing finally worked out so that I was able to bring the sample to the vet's office. While I was there at Petsmart, they were having a greyhound adoption event. These are rescue dogs who need a home, and several are brought to the store once a month to see if new owners can be found. As you can see from the not-very-good photos in Extra, each dog had a different color coat. The two facing the camera have the suede-like coat I'm familiar with. But I was surprised to see that this greyhound actually had real fur on her back. Doesn't it looks like Minkelina's fur?
Then I stopped in at the Asian Market, which is in the same shopping mall, to pick up some vegetables and tofu for a soup I'm planning. I know soup is not usually hot weather food, but it's a way to get more veggies in my diet and can always be eaten cold as well. Hope it comes out well.
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