With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The man you want to see

when a boat comes in. Ricardo. Bearing fruits of the sea, most importantly gambas de Soller.

As the five of us are mostly caged in a rather small room, I was a little stir crazy by this afternoon. I had escaped this morning briefly to the plaza but we were climbing over each other. After lunch I tried to herd cats at the table and organise the week. We realised time is racing and various events ahead are restricting some plans. Like Mrs Pepperpot being able to eat suckling pig. We piled in the car after rearranging the weekend and fled to Fornalutx. It seems that she will have to do without plus Sam's birthday and the Three Kings will be celebrated a little early. In search of a little sunshine we went to the Port and idling around the little boats we suddenly saw the seagulls descend and a fishing boat coming in. We hurtled round the bay to greet them and I was so glad to see Ricardo was on board. He invited us down to watch the sorting and filleting. We had to wait for everything to be boxed and moved to the little store room, but then I got my kilo. Not cheap at 45 Euros, but I know they will be worth it.

Ben was off to stay with Pau for the night, so I left him at Cafe Planet with a bag of gambas for Isabel to cook tonight aswell.

So we will all be happy as kings tonight and the bin will have to be emptied to avoid day after prawn horror.

I had fortunately stopped on the road down from Fornalutx to pick up a load of Eucalyptus bark fallen from a tree. The smell of that burning should ward off prawnyness and helped light the fire a treat.

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