
By Enzotraveldog

Life’s a Beach

The Silverback’s been moping about the house with man-flu for a couple of days, I’ve been getting cabin fever! Plus it was really cold (19) yesterday. All the locals were down at the op-shop buying jumpers!
The sun shone today and the pestilence was receding, so I took the poor old fella across the road to the beach for some fresh air.
The car park was ’chockers’ (abbr of chock a block meaning really full), something that only usually happens when the waves are good. Our step brightened a little as we made our way down the path through the bushes. Had to stop half way for a toilet break- ‘when a dog’s gotta go...’ Anyhow, after a quick trip back to the poo bag bin, we arrived at the beach to find the surf was not good at all!
A crowd was breaking up, the Silverback and I sat in the dunes watching them disperse and contemplating what the meeting may have been. We often sit there to talk about important stuff.
We have seen ‘paddle outs’ when some old surfer dies and the local surfers paddle out beyond the breakers and sit in a circle to pay their respects. But not enough wearing wetsuits for that.
Weddings on the beach are very common in Australia but no white frock to be seen.
We wisely decided they must have come to spread someone’s ashes and started heading back.
On the way back up the path the Silverback struck up a conversation with a departing couple. It turns out the local Baptist church doesn’t have a font so they hold their baptisms at the beach!
We weren’t even close! It was the other end of life altogether.

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