The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Three Is The Magic Number

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy is a big 3 year old boy! He VERY excitedly opened his presents* and has already relieved the ‘indestructible’ red dragon and purple elephant of their ears!

He barked along to our rendition of Happy Birthday** before inhaling a slide of his doggy cake (made by the Mini Princesses) and then sleeping for the rest of the evening. Birthdays are exhausting for puppies.

I know I have turned into a crazy dog lady but I don’t care. I love my puppy. He really is the bestest boy.


*he holds the present down with his paws and rips off the paper in a frenzy. It’s hilarious!

**The Prince thinks this behaviour is borderline insanity. Without the borderline bit.

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