Friends made

People often ask me why I choose to do the same treks again and again?
Well there's the simple truth that it makes them easy and I learn more and become a better guide each time; but that's not really it. I could tell you I love being an expert on my little corner of the world, I love being able to make popular potentially busy trips unique & special for each group, but that's only a fraction of it. The part of my job I enjoy the most, the reason I come back each season is the people I meet, the bonds that are made, the joy to be found in helping people achieve their goals.
It's not always easy, and not everyone enjoys their trek; the mountains are not for everyone - but I respect everyone who at least tries, who decides to try & see for themselves, who sets forth into the wonder.
And then , every so often, a bunch like this come along.
Each trek will have some standout people, but only once have I felt such a strong affinity as I did when these Alaskans first did the Walkers Haute Route with me in 2015. We've stayed in touch ever since, and this year they've finally made it back over to take on the Tour du Mont Blanc.
It's not my place to discuss peoples lives, but three of the original gang couldn't make it this time. Five returned and brought five more. One is glad he tried but probably won't trek again, two accept that this may well be their last big walk. But all were simply great fun to be with, all brought 110%*
The original five simply picked up where we left off - wandering, chattering and taking time to pause and absorb the wonder of it all. R had a pacemaker fitted a week before we set off, but he still has one of the strongest soul's and biggest hearts I've ever met. J arrived knowing she'd have to face some fears - I'm immensely proud she knew I'd make sure she took every step, and ladder, with us, huge grins at the top. P, M & P made my job a joy with an infectious enthusiasm that is simply priceless.
We're already planning the next adventure.

* I know, I know - but you know what I mean...

Philosophy Friday
(on a Thursday, posted on a Friday, but apt)
The mountains are where I remember being with my friends. The timeline of any friendship is a series of scenes or memories, times when you were together over the course of the relationship. I've spent plenty of time with my friends drinking coffee and sharing dinner at restaurants, but those scenes always fade into the background, overshadowed by the adventures we've shared.

Brendan Leonard 

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