NYC from RBK

Too hot to sleep well, I am unrefreshed. Instead I work on a presentation for next week. Then there’s a video meeting, before heading back to the airport.

Installed in the lounge, I have a call with my “boss”. I eat some salad and gazpacho - light nibbling because there’ll be food on the flight. More work, hasty duty free purchase for Donna & Ben, and off.

We’re delayed on take-off by half an hour. No matter. I read. In the air I alternately work and watch movies (The Green Book & Tolkien) while contributing (negatively) to climate change.

The meal is predominantly chickpeas - but nicely flavoured. There’s also alcohol - a Jerez for aperitif, Rioja with the curry, and a Muscadet for afters. The excesses of a business ticket.

At JFK they have nowhere to put the plane. We’re in a queue on the apron for 40 minutes, but once we’re off it’s a short walk to the Global Entry kiosk and I’m through in minutes.

I take a yellow cab into Manhattan. It’s a proper New York ride with sudden braking, jerky lane changes, plenty of horn action. And my driver takes me to West End Avenue even though I clearly asked for East End Avenue. So, it’s back through Central Park and another delay. At least it’s a fixed price.

Only Donna and Collette (and Tulip the Jack Russel) are in residence. I’m pretty bushed, but manage a couple of hours of conversation before popping a melatonin and going to bed.

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