August First

"The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning." 

Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

That quote comes from one of my favorite books in the whole world, the opening lines in chapter one. 
From a review ... Richmond Children's Writers...
The theme is introduced: the incongruity of time standing still and time advancing; or, specifically for Winnie Foster: choosing immortality. Notice the use of the thematic word “live-long”—a brilliant choice. As it is with a Ferris wheel’s halt, so it is with the Tuck family, people who are suspended in time, nearly numb in their agelessness. And so Babbitt sets the motif, that of the wheel of life. Says Angus Tuck, “It’s a wheel, Winnie. Everything’s a wheel, turning and turning …” Except, of course, for the Tucks.  

Update on Merry Mischief

So, I called Jean of Khamsin Abyssinians last evening after dinner. Disappointingly, I had to just leave a message because she wasn't available. She's been breeding Abyssinians since 1988, but still works. So, perhaps she will return my call after work today. I will try again at the suggested times, between 7-9 tonight. Fingers still crossed.

For the Record,
This day came in a bit cooler with brilliant sun and humidity. There is supposed to be a drop in humidity tomorrow, that would be a gift.

All hands hoping to set up a time to meet Merry Mischief soon.

UPDATE... The breeder called, we're going to see Merry Mischief on Sunday. If it works out, she will come home with us.

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