Helios bokeh

I was trying to maximize the Helios bokeh, but I didn't really have time to set up an experiment so I just took an opportunity.

I was so affected by the woman dying of the heat that I wrote a blog about heat waves, climate change, death, and energy (which actually had very little to do with how she died since she died hiking). I shared it online today. It is very dramatic. The general premise is that air conditioning won't save us because, not only are there people who can't afford air conditioning, but heat waves increase the likelihood of losing electricity. It does offer some suggestions: 
- invest in an electrical system capable of dealing with heat waves (additional capacity, renewable energy that won't be shut down because the water is too warm to cool the plant, transmission lines, demand side management)
- building codes
- energy efficiency
- municipal design that includes a lot of green space to reduce urban heat islands

You might ask, wouldn't it be better to just prevent climate change? Here is a scary notion:  we are committed. If we stop emitting greenhouse gases right now things will still get warmer. We've changed the climate, the only question is how much are we going to continue changing it. 

There are t-shirts that have xylitol in them. It helps you stay cooler. They work actually. 

While it has gotten humid again it isn't as bad as that other week was. I also have begun hopping out of bed and walking Samuel first, rather than getting ready for the day and then walking. It is cooler for both of us and he's adjusting to the weird change in schedule.  

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