Pink Frills (Day 1545)

Back to work this morning, and a trip out to Orphir to look at a shower in a self catering holiday cottage. I wasn't able to fix it, and promised to return with a new one when I could find a replacement. Next, I zoomed across to Tingwall to check what bits were needed to sort a loo in another holiday cottage, before heading to town to collect bits and try and source a shower. Back to Tingwall with the loo bits and I got the loo sorted out. 
I was back home in time for lunch with my beautiful wife then a damp wander with the woofers at Lyde. 
A bit of paperwork, then into town to look at a job in a filthy, horrible house. Another visit to the plumbers' merchant came up trumps with a shower and some other bits I needed. 
Back at home later, and with the weather a bit better, I got out on the bicycle for a quick ride. 

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