
By AJ47

Home, sweet home

No mail and no Amazon deliveries for a month. A kilometre and a half to walk to our daughter's place. Sun, good food and wine; waves of family visitations. What's not to like?
I understand that the newly appointed Leader of the House, (the Rt Hon Member for the Eighteenth Century) uses only Imperial measures so we can expect his expenses to be submitted in Guineas. Of course Priti Patel will have him executed if he submits a false expense claim, or will that merciful escape from this truely awful shambles be reserved exclusively for the "benefit cheats"?
The UK looks no better from here than from the rural sticks of Lincolnshire. Our Dutch and German neighbours have great insights on the strengths and multiple weaknesses of Mr Johnson. I look like to dreame about not returning, but I am likely to be forced home by poverty engenderd by the collapse of Sterling.
I shall try to avoid the news and UK politics for a month, preparing to fight the good fight with all my might in September.

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