Love is like a butterfly..........

Got  to the gym early, so went to the library first and picked up three books. When I got  to the gym, there was no sign of Des, and I think I probably waited about half an hour. Mike came in and I was very surprised when he said he has left his partner, and he looked so much better for it, although he had a black out last week. J dropped me at home, picked up a few tools and went over to see Peter  (glass eye) Peter has got another motorbike, and the tappets needed doing so J was happy to help. When J got  got back, he said that there were two  Red Admirals in Peter's garden, so I grabbed my camera and went over. I knocked the door and Peter showed me where they were so I took quite a few shots. It's the first time I have seen any, other than cabbage butterflies this year, so I was very happy to see some. I have done piles of washing this afternoon, and changed the bedclothes as the forecast isn't looking good for the next few days.

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