A New Day

By ANewDay

Just Peachy

This pretty rose was just one of many discoveries as I walked round the garden this afternoon, many almost hidden in the jungle which is our borders.  It's all become too much for us to cope with, so we are getting in some help to thin it out.

TJ started to cut the grass buss was too weary to finish it all, so it will have to wait for another day.  I gave some acers a short back and sides as they kept attacking me as I walked up the path, but after half an hour I was exhausted!

Still very humid and grey this morning, but no rain and is is brightening up a bit now in the early evening.

A bad night for me with very little sleep.  Woken at 2 am with chronic headache and had to take the painkillers I'd managed to avoid yesterday.  Nose totally blocked, so having to breath through my mouth which means a dry throat, so then have to sit up and take a sip of water.  Then I have to get up to visit the loo!!  Catch 22:-)  Hope tonight is better.

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