Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Red faced mousebird...

Went to the Anglican cathedral here this morning - was a lovely service but unfortunately I did not take my camera!  So...todays blip is one of my old faithful mousebirds - and today this one actually stayed on the side of the bush long enough for me to take his photo! 

Just realised its another milestone for me on blip!  Had I remembered I would have had a more exciting blip!!!  Can't believe I have been here so long - its just a way of life now taking a photo every day!  I appreciate so much all the comments, likes and stars and encouragement that I get from all of you, so a very big thank you for following my journal!  This is an amazing community of people, and so far I have only met one blipper in real life!  So, you should come and visit Zambia for a blipmeet!!!

Also thanks to Blip central to whom we owe so much for keeping this amazing site going!  To the next milestone......

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