Of the ten flats whose doors open onto my stairwell, two have produced human babies in the first four months of 2019. Remarkable!
I have no idea how many avian babies have arrived in the loft above my flat, but this is one.
I spotted it through my net curtains taking a little nap on my window sill.
First, I took a couple of shots through the nets, in case opening them for a better view disturbed it.
Next, I carefully drew the nets aside for a closer look. It hadn't been disturbed and continued to nap so I grabbed that opportunity to take several more shots. It did wake up, a bit groggy, during my shoot-fest, but showed no particular desire to move on.
I stopped photographing and spoiled myself with as close a look as I could get. Definitely a youngster! Its beak is not yet fully developed and neither are the feathers on the top of its head. Its toes are still as pink and perfect as those of any newborn. What a treat!
I checked my images to find that the camera had focused on the insect screens and not the bird immediately behind them, so I returned and stood further back using a greater zoom. That worked!
See! I do put in a little effort to learn how to get the results I want from my camera.
Gradually it overcame its grogginess and woke up properly. We enjoyed a little chit-chat through the insect screens, and then it made itself flight-ready and took off.
Haven't named it yet though.
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