Warm run

One of the many trials that the Minx has to endure is my weekly rumination on when I am going to fit my exercise in over the coming days. No two consecutive weeks are the same so there can be no routine.

And once I have made a plan, there is usually not much flexibility in it. For example, I needed to run today and the only time I had was when I arrived home from work. It was still a bit too warm but I didn't have the option of waiting until later on when it would be cooler, so I went out and did the route that I think I have run more than any other since moving into my house in 2000.

Down the ginnel, out through Kearstwick, up Hophouse Lane and over the A65, through High Biggins, then Low Biggins, and home. Just a little under five miles and not a bad pace considering how warm it was. 

The reason I couldn't wait until it was cooler for my run was that the Minx came up, this evening, and we had a barbecue with Dan and Abi, with my colleague Steve joining us, too. Somehow, while we were chatting away, the Minx managed to prepare a feast for us all after which we went down to the firepit to burn another section of the old summerhouse. 

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'Case Histories' by Kate Atkinson

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