Kaz's life

By Kazchi

Woof woof

Happy new year!!!

New Years resolution is: lose weight!!!

Well 2012 was full of ups and downs. Nigel finally got divorced after 7 years of fighting. In my eyes we are the ones laughing. The ex walked away with a tiny £5,000 lump sum and a shitty house with a £100,000 mortgage that she can't afford. She was a nasty cow. Lied throughout and didn't care who she dragged down with her. Even her own kids, her own family, so called friends. Just evil!

We went away on our first family holiday. It was wonderful!

We sold our house! Very quickly too.

Then we brought another house. Very quickly, even though we said There was no rush.

Pip had more puppies. Monty became a father again, several times, and tinker had her first litter that survived. She must have listened when I said it was her last chance.

My daughter turned the terrible two. And she is a devil.

I feel that 2013 is my year. And it's the Chinese year of the snake which is my sign!

Hope everyone has a fab year and enjoys it!!!

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