mys Riisli

By lafoca

village fair

Having gone South the heat was still on. This afternoon I went to photograph the preparation of today’s village fair, alas another thunderstorm is in the ready, we will see which turn it takes by tonight. The evening is organized by and for the younger generation of the area and my kids are also part of the setting up team.
In today’s blip you find the ashtrays (buckets with sand) they have prepared, hoping to avoid having to pick up cigarette stumps after the festivities. In the extras find the interesting signpost they created for the occasion.

The first evening of this year’s fair is over. The most of the rain fell before dinner and then again some after ten. Having a big tent put in place, each year for the four evenings, proofed essential for last nights success. About 300 dinners have been sold, including vegan burgers. A first for the village and a must for the younger generation.

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