Blue For You
I've done it again, tapped the wrong key & lost my blurb. ARGHHHH!!!
I'm not a fan of roses but this variety always catches my eye when I'm down here in Torquay looking after Ella. I'm even tempted to buy one for the new front border I'm planting once the weather gets cooler.
Went home and watered the allotment, fed some of the plants, harvest more veggies. Courgettes, runner beans, blueberries, & sweetpeas.
Went home and picked up spices & bits to make Thai pork noodle soup. One of my challenges for tomorrow. It's a bit fiddly with lots of elements but I'm going to give it go.
Went to the Beefeater for lunch with hubby, came back to Nicky's did some deadheading & watering. Will give her planters a feed tomorrow. She has some lovely plants in her garden.
Pimped up a Marguerita pizza for dinner. Added sliced olives plus some strips of streaky bacon. Thought I would use a pizza wheel to cut it. I've used one before but can understand why you would. Anyway I searched high & low and could'nt find one. I have to say I'm very surprised as Nicky has a kitchen full of gadgets.
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting the Friday challenge :)
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