Poseidon Grass

Poseidon Grass is a seagrass species that is endemic in the Mediterranean. It forms large underwater meadows that are an important part of the ecosystem

The Sierra Helada is not only a Natural Park on land, but also a Maritime Reserve.........
and pleasure boats aren’t encouraged to anchor in the Bay......because of the damage that can be done by dragging anchors across/ through the underwater meadows.

Although we have had several days of really hot weather.....we have also had some strong onshore winds......and it’s been tricky to swim!
The result, is what you see in today’s Blip ......the sea has been churned up, and a lot of Poseidon Grass has been deposited along the beach......brown and sometimes smelly!

The beach teams will come and lift it into lorries.....and flatten the beach again.......but perhaps not for a few days!

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