Come Inside!

After last week’s washout Kitty and l returned to Bolton Abbey in much better weather.
Just the two of us this time and we walked through the woodland path towards the Abbey.
Plenty of challenges on the to attract Kitty to have a go at and she did everything twice, as we returned the same way as it was cooler under the trees.
Back at the Cavendish Kitty managed a hot chocolate after a drink of water, she had certainly earned it.
Some extras if you have time to browse.
Heard from Mr P:  he walked up Snowden this morning, setting off at 6am to avoid the crowds.
On his way home now and was at Crewe at his last message this afternoon.
This means that since Tuesday he and Nick has ascended the three highest peaks in Britain carrying all their gear including a tent and only used public transport for the whole trip.
Not bad considering the heat, Mr P ‘s health and Nick who had a hip replacement at the end of February this year.

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