Annas Hummingbird

She was having a lovely time making her toilette in our fountain. Other pictures caught the almost fluorescent pink feathers on her neck and breast, but I liked her profile best. There were three of them zooming around the fountain early this morning, but she ignored the other two and serenely got on with it while they took each other on.

I am angry at the state of our politics, about the vile and unspeakable behavior exhibited by the man who claims to want to make our country great again, but in fact wants only to glorify himself at the expense of our democracy, and the criminal treatment of families and children at our borders. This is being done in our name and with our money and I am struggling over what I can do about it.

I still believe that small acts of kindness on a local level are about the only place I can do much. Kendallishere posted a portrait of a man who not only has answers that make sense to me, but has a face that makes me feel better just looking at him. 

I am engaged with an ongoing conversation with OilMan about making sure our retirement money is invested in socially responsible companies. It will not be an easy task...either the research, the convincing of OilMan, or the accomplishment of such a transfer in a world where everything is so unterconnected, but I'm going to try. It makes me queasy to think that we might be profiting from some company that runs 'detention camps' that treat innocent people seeking asylum worse than we treat people in our prisons. 

At least on a personal level, discussing it with OilMan is about as local as one can get.

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