Funny old thing...change.
Even though nothing has changed I drove over Shap this morning with an altered perception. As I arrived in Kendal I passed the same woman at more or less the same time and at the same place as I have always passed her since doing this journey. I often think it’s a bit like The Truman Show. I know we are fond of the saying that the one constant in life is change but it is still a strange business. I’m too hot to get overly philosophical and too busy trying to work out where there might be the best chance of sleeping in the house tonight. My supervisor, who I will thankfully be keeping as a result of the job change because he’s based in the north, rang me to say he’d been talking to the the person who I would have transferred to had I stayed. Let’s just say I’m glad I’ve made the decision I have even though we don’t yet know what lies ahead for us in the north either.

It was chaos on the roads this evening. Batman Bridge was unstable apparently and so had been shut, the M6 was jammed and there was Kendal Calling to contend with so I decided to go off piste and went back over Kirkstone Pass in the most amazingly heavy rain, thunder and lightening. It was upstream going up and downstream once over the summit.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting abstract Thursday with this week’s theme of repetition.

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