The hummingbird hawk moths seem slower this year - easier to track. Another scorcher. I relented and did some watering this morning to help the plants. A storm is due tomorrow, but I don’t think enough rain is expected to make much difference.
I topped up the pond too, which has clearly become a local watering hole for large creatures, judging by the flattened area and tracks. Doesn’t seem to have bothered the frogs though, who seemed delighted by the influx of cold water.
Meanwhile, the Cories (fish - not sure of spelling) had a broken filter, which TallGirl talked me through fixing, in between tutor sessions and driving lessons (lucky girl). Mr B overcame yesterday’s hire car disappointment (they have introduced a policy that makes hiring a car for peripatetic folk like us impossible) by taking the obvious route, and buying a car to add to the fleet of Toyotas we seem to be gathering. Well, everyone needs a hobby.
And there was work. Some new work impinged on my desk-clearing but was soon dispatched. Tomorrow the rabbits will leave for their holiday home, and so will we.
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