POG's Journal


Ring and sprockets

My Day:
Slept better last night and was determined to get on the bike today.
After my ride I did bits and bobs in between watching the Tour… As much as I am enjoying it, I will get more stuff once it is finished and I revert to not switching the TV on until after 6PM.
Visit to the supermarket once again. Not sure I will make the same weight loss next Sunday; the original target was a pound a week so hopefully I can get that.
Day 15/92
20 miles done on very flat roads, averaged 81 rpm for the ride. I really need to do some interval training and start building the RPM’s for the track… my maximum on a fixed wheel road bike going downhill was 197, but I did have a two working hips at the time.
I am a bit between a rock and a hard place as doing the miles and eating sensibly is an easy way to drop the weight but 30 minutes on the rollers interval training does not seem to have the same results from a weight loss point of view.
I am tempted to keep banging away with the miles and just have a super tough day at my first visit to the velodrome, this would give me a couple more weeks of plugging away and it is always beneficial if you knees are not banging into your tummy when riding. Anyway, I’ll have a think about it.
I seem to have lost my chainring bag and had to dig out some others, so I have the right gear ratio when I visit the velodrome… I just need to clean them up a bit before fitting to my track bike…
More tomorrow

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