Abstract Thursday: Skipping?!

I'm planning to squeeze as many blips as possible from the work that's just started to replace the roof on our house. This is another of them.

Ingeborg's topic for today's Abstract Thursday is "repetition".  I guess my blip today is a sort of version of the Pep Ventosa technique, which requires you to repeatedly photograph the same object from a different angle: my variation was to take repeated photos from (more or less) the same place while the object was moving (I didn't have time to get my proper camera & tripod so I wobbled a bit with my phone camera - but I think that enhanced the effect). The object was a bright yellow rubbish skip which was delivered here this morning and I took my series of photos as it was being gently lowered into place on our driveway, and then layered them in Photoshop.

I was impressed with the skill of the truck driver who only just managed to avoid hitting the gatepost, the hedge, the wall, and the overhanging tree. He had repeatedly to reposition his (blue) truck whilst doing so - another example of repetition.

As usual, the photo looks best large.

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