Fire in my old kindergarten!!!

Woke up early in the morning. I do not know why, but before 3am I suddently just did not get any more sleep.
Read Facebook for a while and I noticed my childhood friend status that "the kindergarten is burning".

What??? My old kindergarten?!?

I asked what she meant, and she told that it really was burning. She lives in the same housing company than my mum and there is a day- and night care for small children downstairs. Flames had been really high already as my friend had woke up and called for firemen at 2.35am. Fortunately someone had called them earlier already. The fire squad came wisely silently for help. No need to wake up everyone and no need for audience.

Situation had been quite bad. In the fire even 20 rescue units working. Residents of the high tower had been evaquated during the early morning hours, was told in the news, and nearest appartments had been damaged and burned into useless condition by smoke, fire and water. Some of the residents had been checked by medical help, but there was no people hurt.

Kindergarten seems to be burned so badly that there is nothing to save. There had been renovation of the roof going on, maybe the fire started from there. Odd is, that in news articles one of the residents told that he had heard a bang from the kindergarten before the fire...

Called my mum during morning hours, everything OK. And I visited her in the morning and took some photos too.

Fire is bad master.



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