Giving this a go...

By Debiives

The boys

Happy New Year Everyone. Hope 2013 is a good one.

Andrew & Cameron in their new football kits they got from Granny & Papa for Christmas. They are very chuffed with them and I suspect it'll hard to persuade them to let me wash them.

Cameron and I started the year with parkrun. He surprised me by first of all not changing his mind about going (after a late night and with a friend staying I thought he might) and then being on top form despite the late night. We ran together and he smashed his pb by over a minute finishing in 28:23. I felt the effects of quite a lot of wine and a late night but managed to keep up with him.
So that's 3 of the 800 miles I've set myself as a target for this year done (did just under 700 last year).

We also watched Superstars and went for a walk (the boys cycled) in the rare sunshine.

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