Greatly appreciated a lovely row in calm water this morning. Saw this pigeon guillemot fly onto the rocky island where they nest with this wiggly translucent thing in it’s beak, followed shortly by its mate (?) I think it’s some kind of worm, (polychaete) having read that they feed on the Benthic Zone of the water, the lowest level including the sediment surface. Surprised me as it’s pretty deep where they were, but they do dive.(called "pursuit diving") A couple of minutes of sitting there moving it around but not eating it , then it flew off with it still hanging from it’s beak. got the pix, but blurry. Humm… Just liked the textures of the rock with a bit of a brush stroke. Another with more of this treatment HERE from a spot in front of our beach where I sat still in my boat for 15 minutes in some shade and just looked for something that appealed.
And then our friends arrived at noon on their boat. Just a small social time before I retreated to the studio and they are off to friends tonight so we get dinner alone but she will cook for us tomorrow.
Flickr page : family/grandsons at the island
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