
Lots of people make New Year's Day resolutions like 'eat healthfully', 'get regular exercise', 'give up smoking', 'do regular good deeds', 'don't gamble', 'give up alcohol', 'blip everyday'... how did my first day of the year go?...

Fortunately not much sign of a hangover after getting quite very piddled after drinking half the bottle of champagne I won in November. That has to be the best champagne I have ever had mmm!

Got up, fed the pets and then had breakfast which was grapes (healthy) and a croissant (whoops). After breaky I cleaned the bathroom (good deed) and then we had some left after party food (whoops) for lunch.

After lunch took a 6km fast walk in under an hour (regular exercise) to deliver a magazine to someone (good deed) after it had been delivered to our address by mistake.
It was on the way back that I took this photo of an olde tobacconist shop, (blip everyday) and fortunately I don't smoke.

Got home and had a well earned cup of tea & cake (whoops), played a game on the Wii and ordered a ticket for tonight's Euromillions (whoops).

It's a tradition to have a hangover dinner on NY Day, ham, fried egg, plum tomatoes and chips (whoops again) and as I'm not going back to work until Thursday, having a glass of wine to go with it (whoops)! Good job I don't bother with New Years resolutions isn't it???

How are you New Years resolutions going?

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