
By Beewriter

Entwistle Reservoir

I have been guzzling all holiday and sitting watching films so I was in desperate need of some exercise today. So to start the year off on a positive note I went for a walk around Entwistle Reservoir with Carey. It was cold and windy and it certainly blew all the cobwebs away, miraculously it didn't rain.

The water was the highest I have ever seen it, in fact it came over the path in places and we had to wade through it or trudge through thick squelchy mud. It was great fun.

The holly bushes along one side of the reservoir were all decorated with Christmas decorations and lovely messages. I looked for the one where we scattered mum's ashes but there has been some work on the paths and some of the wood was fenced off so it was difficult to know which one it was. I said a little hello to mum and Auntie Anne as I passed by though.

I have been thinking of New Year resolutions:

1. lose weight and get back into the gym
2. learn how to use Photoshop
3. Finish writing my book

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