Good On Ya, You Deserve A...

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Years and years ago, when having a Kiwi girlfriend was a bit of a novelty, I remember bringing Caro to O'Neill's on Hanover Street where she regaled us with her tales of life in New Zealand.

She told us of the Singing Vegetables in Big Fresh supermarket, of Rotorua, a town that smelled entirely of egg sandwiches and features the world's only sheep-themed leisure park and how, whenever you do well in New Zealand, you are gifted with a "chocolate fush".

Especially at school. Instead of gold stars, teachers hand out chocolate fish to reward dedicated students, Caro said.

"You're all on drugs," we replied. 

But no, everything she told us is true. And while I have bought chocolate fish before, today I actually EARNED my first one! I was beside myself.

Charlotte sent it to me on behalf of her team. I had done something clever to her spreadsheet and she was so delighted because blah blah blah boring work stuff long story short I got a chocolate fish.

Sadly, I do not care for chocolate fish. They are marshmallow covered in chocolate, but it's not nice marshmallow and the chocolate isn't so great either. But this is not important. 

I got a chocolate fish. 

I'm thinking of having it framed.


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