
Teressa Raiford is running for Mayor of Portland as "the people's candidate." She is the person who designated me "the people's photographer," so of course I made photos she can use for mail-out flyers. She chose to be photographed on Tilikum Crossing, The Bridge of the People, in keeping with her campaign theme. 

It was a heavily overcast day, and her rich skin tones stand out beautifully against the sky, the bridge, and her pale blue work shirt. Her campaign is a counter to all the men-in-suits images of the more traditional candidates, and I hope she gives them a run for it.

Update: WalkingMarj invited me to send her the photo, and she photoshopped out the man in the high-viz jacket who had distracted us. I'm posting the improved version now. Blip solidarity forever! (Original as Extra now, for those who missed the difficulty.) The original was entitled "Outtake." For the new version, I changed the title to "Keeper."

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