
By imagine_snappy

Even Dying Coneflowers Have Purpose

Took Maui to Branchwood again, intending to walk the trail twice. We were prepared this time, water, biscuits, more water. The air temp seemed almost cool, ten degrees less than Friday. And so, a good four miles was doable. Or not.

Maui dipped herself in the run-off from last night’s rain. I dipped my tongue in G2. Few wildflowers or shrub blooms to be seen. A bit disappointing. Then I came on the coneflowers, clearly in the last days of their summer. Several butterflies circled and lit, not really caring if I snapped. Disappointed in the results, but it was a slice of the day and worth something in that.

We came home after two miles. The water ran out and so did Maui’s energy. Surprisingly I was all set to ramble more, but that surely would be grandiose. So, I’m settling for a onesy lap.

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