Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A thing of Beauty

I wanted to post a butterfly today for a special blipper  GirlWithACamera who lost her beloved sister, Barb several days ago.  Apparently Barb loved butterflies, and this big Eastern Tiger Swallowtail was so beautiful that I thought she'd be a perfect way to remember her.  I don't have any siblings so I can't fully know what it is like to lose one, but I know from watching my husband lose his brother that there is no easy way to navigate through that kind of grief.  So my heart goes out to GWAC.

We are still having problems with our air con, but they haven't yet been able to figure out exactly what's wrong.  So, the guy was out again today and we are now trying something new.  We'll eventually get to the bottom of it.  

Doctor's appointment for me this afternoon, which jammed up my plan to go to the gym. Tomorrow...

Go give someone you love a great big hug, okay?


On depression...I think that my comment yesterday about feeling overwhelmed resonated with quite a few people.  And I believe it is one of the most common symptoms of depressive disorders.  I remember feeling almost as if I was paralyzed, in a metaphoric sense.  The desire to go curl up in a dark room and sleep was nearly impossible to resist at times, although I managed to on most days.  I had a 3-year old business at the time and sleeping all day wasn't something I could do.

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