Power to the People

We have travelled from Deventer in Holland to somewhere near Calais - Carrefour to be precise. We filled up with fuel, topped up the water and are now in the car park area for the night along with quite a few other Brits heading home. We have a ferry booked for 9.50 in the morning so should be home mid afternoon. Short of photo opportunities today, so I snapped these power lines and pylons as we zipped past.

Pepper had the dressing changed on her foot this morning by the vet in Deventer, which she did not like at all. I expect it was painful for her. She is still hobbling but learning how to do a three legged hobble to get a bit of speed. We mustn't allow her to go too far or too fast for the next few weeks while the wound in her pad heals.

We've been away for four fantastic weeks so it will be good to be back; I think Henry will appreciate having access to the whole house again.

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