Can I tempt you with a Creme de Menthe frappe'?
Mum & Dad were tenants of a village pub for 30 years, Dad liked a half of bitter, Mum a pineapple juice, & on the very off occasion she enjoyed a Creme de Menthe frappe'. I can remember Mum bashing some ice wrapped up in a tea towel with a rolling pin, THEN she found the Ice Crusher in Timothy Whites, at the princely sum of £2. ?, they disappeared off the high street from when they were taken over by Boots the Chemist. Made in Italy, pre 'Made in China'. That must surely make it valuable? I'm not sure how much action this crusher got, it looks like new, although it's my blip for Derelict Sunday. It's been in the back of my car for ages waiting to be dropped somewhere which will definitely be this week as I've got a boot full of what did'nt sell on the miscellaneous stall at the Saturday sale. Not sure who would want to buy it now of course as Frappe's are so passe', plus fridge freezers have cube/crushed ice dispensers these days. Of course you need to know how they work .. I did'nt, when I was staying with Yogi, could'nt even get the ice out, let alone crushed, I had to stick my hand in to the back of the ice maker. Probably not the safest action I've ever taken ... but needs must.
So this is yet another back blip, I hope to catch up today but first I need to recall what happened yesterday.
Yesterday morning, I limbered up, jumped in the car, met a couple of friends en route wearing my pink 'Kipsie Kicked Cancer' tee shirt, curly pink wig and comfy walking shoes. We were off to the Race For Life 10km walk/run for Cancer Research at Westpoint. We did the Muddy Run last year so this was a little tame in comparison, but still fun. We were 3 of a massive turn out, but THE ONLY 3 wearing pink curly wigs. . The 10km race went off first at 9am- ish the 5km started at 11am-ish.
Walk went well, we power walked, finished, celebrated with a glass of Annings Elderflower & Cucumber cider & a cheese straw. Life on the edge eh??!!? We decided, well Jane & I decided that we would sign up for it again next year but need to work on our outfits .. Carolyn was very quiet, but I think she's up for it, :)
Back home, I sorted out the bits brought back from the plant sale, had lunch then up to the allotment. Picked broad beans, peas, first runner beans of the year plus a super bunch of Sweetpeas... I love the smell of Sweetpeas. Gave everything a good watering.
The headline news on the local station is .. A seagull has swooped down, picked up a chihuahua from a garden and flown off with it. Seagulls are of course protected .. but a nightmare, especially for holidaymakers. Pinching food out of their hands, off picnic tables. One of the delights of living, holidaying on the coast.
I'm off to rustle up something with minced turkey .. & I have'nt got a clue what it's going to be, I don't even know why I bought it .. anyway I'd better go.
Thanks to 60Plus for hosting
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