We got up early to go into Athens to meet Gina (my Greek Sister who’s parents own the summer camp) after a brief conversation and several questions she confirmed I had got the job!!! Aaawwww!!! (See yesterday’s Blip for details) At this point I was only questioning but somehow she took it that I’d said Yes I’m staying for 7 more weeks!!! O and I went on a supermarket sweep to buy clothes as I only had a weeks worth! Managed to get 3 outfits.
J and K went off exploring and The Rev went off shopping.... O, M Mum and I got a taxi back. We were just climbing the stairs when an earthquake was so scary!! Mum asked if it was a lorry going by:))). Waiting for the aftershocks were just as scary.
What was worse....The Rev had now disappeared lost in Athens with no money and no phone. We had no idea if he was on a tram, bus, train or taxi back to us or if he even remembered our apartment address!!! It was a seriously worrying 4 hours!!!
Now wedding time.
All dress up (hats too as requested by the Groom!!) we got the taxi to the most amazing was like being in Hollywood...cameramen everywhere and even a drone!!!
The ceremony was beautiful not that we understood a word!!! The Groom beamed like a Cheshire Cat!!
#The happy couple
#The Rev and “I”
#Our amazing children O...M...J & K
#cutting the cake....with fireworks
# a gymnastics display from the Groom and his pupils.
# a fire dancer
There was also a famous singer...more fireworks...lots of Greek dancing...more fireworks... amazing food and more fireworks!!!
Yes I know I said not too many photos on a collage but the choice was too many!!

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