My Joy Project

Last year I wrote a pray for 2012. The words are still appropriate this year with a few tweeks:

I pray for the patience to listen to others more clearly.
I pray for the strength to help others in need.
I pray for the courage to face new challenges.
I pray for good health to perform at my best.
I pray for happiness to spread to those around me.
I pray for peace so that all may enjoy life's blessings.
I pray for laughter to lift my spirit.
I pray for love to give and to receive.
I pray for joy to appreciate the world around me.

My 365 project is to find the joy of life in each day. I am going to use my Blip journal to do this.


Daughter T was very helpful in the creation of my Blip today. As I was thinking about how to represent an image of joy the heavens opened and it rained for a couple of hours. I wondered what I could photograph and around 5pm I decided I better take the opportunity quickly before the light vanished. I had the idea of a flower or a heart and then T suggested I make a heart with rose petals. In the end we decided that we could write joy with the petals. The swimming pool was so blue and I wanted to use it in the background so we found the leaf to float our joy upon the water! Of course as you can see the petals started to float away as soon as water got on top of the leaf.

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
Henri J.M. Nouwen

*My Joy Today:
~Making petal words with daughter T.
~Sleeping-in and having no plans for the day.
~Searching the web for siamese cat breeders to book a new kitten.


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