The Great Blooming Tea Party ........
.............. was today! Gill and I have been planning this for several weeks. Yesterday we started decorating the village hall, and today we were up with the lark baking scones. We whipped cream, decanted strawberry conserve and butter, and cut up many donated cakes to feed the hoped for crowds who would hopefully arrive at 2.30pm. There was a really worrying fear that no one would come; well, they did. We had a full complement of seats on bums. The lady from Marie Curie came and gave a short talk about their work, the raffle was drawn, the teddy's birthday guessed and so were the number of pieces of macaroni in the Kilner jar, We managed to raise over £300 !!
After clearing away, both Gill and I collapsed with a fresh cuppa, marvelling at the generosity and kindness of our fellow villagers.
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