Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

And a Happy New Year

It has been a while since I have flicked between pictures, wondering which one to blip. Thanks mainly to lack of time and probably lack of skill.

But today is a day where I couldn't decide. I've chosen this one. Father and son looking towards the sun. The start of a new year.

What a difference a year makes. Last new years day we were up before 7am, having a repeat christmas day with sisters, brother-in-laws, nephews, neices and Aunt and Cousin. It was fun, noisy but at the same time one of the hardest days. 2012 had at one stage promised so much, but last new years day just felt a little bit hopeless and a lot hard, despite being surrounded by a lot of love and lovely people.

In the end 2012 was a lot more than I ever imagined or knew it could be. Not all plain sailing and happy times, but full of life and all that entails - pain and loss, alongside joy and laughter.

So New Years day 2013 has been a bit different, for all those that chuckled at Ad and mine's dependence on lie ins - we got up at 12 noon today :-) Had a bacon sandwich and listened to my parents on the radio - Cuillin fm is where it is at.

I'm going to make three new years resolutions:
I'm going to blip more (ok aiming for daily but lets not push myself too far)
I'm not going to call myself useless or stupid everytime something goes wrong, particularly not in ear shot of the little man
I'm going to try and not focus on what is coming next too much, and enjoy each day, I have a feeling this year is going to go fast enough without wishing it away.

I think three resolutions are enough - in writing and in public, so at least I can hold myself to them!

Happy New Year

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