Sashing Ceremony
Day 2 of Musselburgh Festival, and this afternoon was the Sashing Ceremony of the Honest Lad and Lass at the Hayweights Clock, up by Tesco. Here’s Aiden giving a wee speech. The ceremony ends with the singing of the Musselburgh Song:
Come all yea Honest Lads and Lasses,
Heir of those who long ago
Filled our Old Toun with mirth and music,
Loyal hearts with love aglow.
Raise again their cheerful slogan,
Sing as they sang in the past,
When they vowed their native burgh
Would its rival proud outlast.
For Musselburgh was a Burgh,
When Edinburgh was nane,
And Musselburgh will be a Burgh,
When Edinburgh’s gane.
Tradition is taken seriously round here.
In other news, went to see the new Spider-Man film, and also bought loads of colourful Dahlias and carnations for the garden!
I hope you have enjoyed Sunday.
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