There's an App for That

Dear Diary,

I must admit that I really enjoy my little iPad and my little Canon.  They do everything I want, for the most part, and it certainly makes traveling a whole lot easier.  I also like all the creative apps you can get with the iPad, like PlantSnap.  I was out photographing in the dooryard and stood befuddled in front of this tiny lovely.  I planted it 15 years ago but do you think I could remember the name of it?  So, I whipped out the iPad, took a picture of it and, viola!  It is the Obedience plant or Physostegia Virginiana, also called the False Dragon.  It is such a delicate little plant.  Isn't technology amazing?  Our heatwave continues today with temperatures close to 100F.  It is already 75F at 7:30am.  I had to go to the clinic yesterday as a tick bite I suffered on Tuesday is infected and I now have swollen lymph nodes so I'm on antibiotics.  It's always something.

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