
A very wet day, and wet overnight also, very happy....there is even water running through our gully, that hasn't happened in an age. 
Consequently, and indoor day, and I love them !!
I caught up on a few things this morning, including on-line Scrabble and Blip (do we ever catchup?), then this afternoon I've been editing The Catlins photos for my next Blurb book.....why the hell do I take so many photos, and secondly not edit them right away ??  I need to be more organised.
Any rate, some progress but slow.
Doug has been reading his John Grisham book this afternoon, he needed a break and decided to make a batch of Gingernuts.
Take note of the one little ball of mixture, he has put that aside to eat raw, gulp !!  

I really appreciate the response to my balancing waxeye blipped yesterday, thanks heaps lovely people.


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