
I was in the pool with a coffee and muffin waiting for me approximately five minutes after waking. Up and at it.

My eldest girl was still feeling a bit fragile so stayed at home whilst the rest of us caught the bus to Animal Kingdom for the morning - the awesome Flights Of Passage, iced coffee drinks, complete soaking on Kali River Rapids. Twice.

Home in the afternoon for pool-time and Tour De France catch-up (no live coverage on any of the many TV channels we have, but there's good wi-fi at our place and plenty of sources on YouTube for extended highlights as well as podcasts to download - I'm not exactly short when it comes to keeping up with it!).

The easiest thing for all of us to do in the evening was to give the theme parks a miss and head for Disney Springs instead to catch a movie. I headed on ahead of everyone else (them Uniqlo t-shirts aren't gonna buy themselves!) before meeting up at Blaze for pizza, and cinema afterwards. The girls wanted to see the Spiderman film again (big Tom Holland fans that pair) whilst us grown-up went for the distinctly R-rated Midsommar. We watched in a full cinema with a young and lively crowd who squirmed and laughed in equal measures just as much as we did. No spoilers, but there are a few things in that movie that I can never now unsee...


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