
Empty pool at 8....this I like. A lot.

Breakfast at the food court at our resort - the first of several Mexican Bowls over the course of our stay, and something which will be re-created in an Edinburgh kitchen very shortly. Salsa, scrambled eggs, seasoned wedges, ground chorizo, ranch sauce, tomatoes, cilantro - absolutely delicious.

An easy afternoon at Disney Springs with the new Spiderman at the flicks (great fun!), fantastic pizza at Blaze, and t-shirt shopping for me at Uniqlo. I may have bought more than normal....but at a fiver a pop it would have been rude not to.

This fella was on the stairs next to our room, the biggest moth I've ever seen, about 6 inches across. My girls were initially a bit freaked out but then christened it 'Gary', and inded, looked to see if Gazza was knocking around every day from then on. He wasn't.

Human Nature

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