Purrfect Timing

By Boozo

97 Days To Go!

111 Day Fat Burning Marathon

The Cuckoo Trail: Polegate to Heathfield, East Sussex and back. 24.23 Miles total, and all the way there is up hill! I averaged 7.9 mph and an average heart rate of 135 beats per minute, reaching 165 bpm maximum. I burnt 2,562 calories, of which 45% was fat.

Week 1 was amazing, I burnt 7,037 calories!

Week 2 has been much harder. I've burnt 4,271 calories. My heart rate monitor's suggested programme aimed at improving my fitness, sets me a target of 2,050 calories for the week, so I should be pleased that I've done double, but it still doesn't feel like it's enough.

Challenge: The aim is to be the one to burn the most calories by the 5th June. My personal aim is to stay on the first page throughout, which I've achieved so far. I am currently 8th out of 49 participants. First place is my goal, but I have a long way to go as first place currently stands at 17,638 calories. I am currently on 11,842.

I've found it hugely disappointing that I'm not loosing the pounds as you'd expect, especially considering this last week I've been strict about what I eat.

On a previously successful slimming mission I'd kept a food diary, which I'm currently not. I need to start one. Thanks to 'You Are What You Eat' and Blipfoto I've decided to do a collage of what I eat for the week, so starting on Monday (Sunday is always a day of rest) it's going to be food, food, food! With the finalie on Sunday of the weeks food in a collage.

It always works in the programme, so here goes! I must say it feels quite daunting. I'm not going to get away with being naughty am I?

Again - I must be mad! :-o

Previous Blips relating to this challenge
21st Feb: The Meon Valley Trail
20th Feb - 7th
16th Feb

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