Natures swing

This ladybird was having a fine old time swinging in the wind on a tall wild oat!!  I had a job getting a photo as each time l pressed the button the photo was empty and the ladybird was having the ride of its lifetime!!

Busy day today -the drain men finally completed the section of replacement pipe so we are all safe to flush once more. The ditch they had to dig across the lawn was very neatly done and we were lucky the weather has not been too hot and sunny so other than a little scorch around the edges l think most of it will survive and recover without reseeding.. we will see. I have watered it again heavily tonight and will do again tomorrow before going away for the weekend.  Fingers crossed.
The painter has one more day to go.. but l am away so he hopes to finish on Wednesday.
Loking forward to a few days away.. 

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