It's taken 6 months

Sitting here thinking how lucky I am that actually, I very rarely report that today's been an utterly xxxx day.  But today has. 

The girl I work with has 'messed up her holiday' and left mid-afternoon not to return until end of August - so I everything that needs doing for the summer falls to me.  As I was cooking dinner, I had an email from our website provider to say the site is being switched off, so I've spent part of the evening sorting that.  But what had me in tears is another bliper, who's little boy passed away on Monday - I'd clearly never met them, but following the ups and (mostly downs) has been heart-wrenching and I cannot imagine what it must be like. 

In other news... the youngest fell asleep on the way back from nursery (but had behaved beautifully when I picked him up, no tired bad behaviour), then I had the most lovely time with the eldest when we got home, just me and him - reading a recipe book each, looking for inspiration as he ate his dinner. 

Finally got around to sanding a wardrobe I bought for the youngest at Christmas.  I've got it in my head that it's a big job to sand and give it a lick of paint.  The sanding took 15 minutes...... sometimes I think I need a massive kick in the proverbial to get things done. 

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