Meanwhile on the Able Tasman Walkway

Big walks this morning after enduring the usual yahooing, yelling, fireworks official and not, and all the other dross associated in starting another year. So we all get another year older and we celebrate. A Dog has trouble getting his mind around that but humans can be a funny lot.
The Able Tasman Walkway would be one of the premier walks in the county with beautiful wide tracks in the native bush, winding around the coastline where you come upon golden sanded beaches and other delights along the way. As we walked after starting at Marahau where we left Suzz under a shade tree, it was a regular United Nations as folk of many nationalities passed and said hullo. We walked about 2.5 hours up to Stillwell Bay and a photographers paradise was all around. Lunch and return and many stops for shutter delight. The Boss was quick to point out that this was not Turkish Delight, or the afternoon sort either altho it was the afternoon so I am a bit confused about that.
On the return to the start we were delighted to find the Café / bar at the start of the track, open and serving great food (with a 15% surcharge for New Years Day) but we were famished and didn't care.
Great day all round
Click here to see what the camera was doing and check it out in large Eh?
And of course L gets this page bigger too

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